Saturday, October 6, 2018

"Global" on the Rose Kennedy Greenway, Boston , MA

October 6, 2018
I am posting here some documentation of the piece, "Global," I did on the Rose Kennedy Greenway as part of Mobius/Belfast exchange. I drew animals on the path that are very vulnerable to the effects of increased temperature due to climate disruption.
The irony is that I did a similar piece in 2007 at Mobius. The Union of Concerned Scientists sent two of their staff to the reception. They handed out their study: Confronting Climate Change in the US Northeast. Since 2007, the temperature of the planet has increased! So, nobody listened?

I confront again with images of penguins, salmon, butterflies, moose, caribou, and the symbol of Boston itself, the Atlantic cod. Not overfishing, no, but increased temperature of the Gulf of Maine is killing off the young cod. IT IS TOO HOT for the larval fish to find food that has not been COOKED and killed by heat.  The Atlantic cod is on the way out. Yep.

How will we explain to children of the next generation the fish weathervane on the top of the golden dome State House in Boston? GONE FOR GOOD.

photo credit: R. Cooke

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